Even a vasectomy does not prevent sexually transmitted diseases

VIVAnews - Sexual intercourse risk making the spread of sexually transmitted diseases or sexually transmitted disease (STD) are increasingly widespread. As with syphilis to HIV / AIDS.

Related to this, the government and the UN health agency, WHO recommends the use of contraceptives during sexual intercourse. However, contraceptive what is the most powerful way to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted diseases?

Condoms in fact has often been suggested as a means of protection for people who do risky sexual relations. Aside from being a contraceptive, condoms can prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases effectively.

"Condoms have a double function of protection for family planning and to prevent STDs," says Dr. Yusro Maksum Hadi, head of research vasectomy Faculty of Public Health University of Indonesia, when met VIVAnews.com, July 16, 2011.

According to him, until now condoms are the most effective means of contraception to reduce the risk of transmission of sexual diseases. Even a vasectomy or cuts the vas deferens in men were not able to prevent sexually transmitted diseases.

"The liquid that comes out in men than seeds produced by testicular sperm contain expenditure from the body. Including urine, sweat and even, the media spread of disease, "said Dr.. Yusro

According to him, people who know themselves to have a sexually transmitted disease should continue using condoms, despite being in a vasectomy. However, the rate of condom use remains low in Indonesian society.

Since marketed in Indonesia in 1996, had distributed condoms as much as 736 million pieces and suffered only six times increased. When compared with a population of Indonesia, the use of condoms is still very small. Meanwhile, the Commission for HIV / AIDS noted HIV / AIDS because of risky sexual relations occurred more than 50 percent.
• VIVAnews

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Source: vivanews.com

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